It is a well-known fact that one who learns to appreciate an art form can practice the same with ease and enjoy. Photography, as an art form, is no exception for this rule. Therefore, it will be an advantage to learn to appreciate a photograph from the artistic, technical, and aesthetic view point.
Keeping the above fact in mind a list of various angles and aspects has been given from where, a photograph can be appreciated:
1 Light and Lighting
2 Mood Portrayed
3 Color
4 Nature and Naturality
5 Story behind the Photograph
6 Composition
7 Sharp and blurred image
8 Frozen image of moving objects
9 Blurred image of stationary object
10 Subject matter
11 Abstract Photography
12 Occasion
13 Storage of images
14 Storage of Photographs
15 Photographic equipment and maintenance
16 Indexing and retrieval method
17 Exif for study purpose
The world is dark without light and this fact is known to everyone. So also, there is no photography without light either, and again the fact is that the meaning of the word ‘Photography’ means making sketch with the primary use of Light. Good Photographers study the theory of Light in depth and its probable effect on the final Photograph. Light makes the Photo look good and also creates mood and feeling on the person looking at the Photograph. The light can also enhance the effect of stories behind Photographs.
There are two main types of Light. They are , 1] Natural Light 2] Artificial Light.
Natural Light is one that originate from the Sun. Artificial light is one that is created by means of Bulbs, Flames, Discharge Tubes etc.
In Photography, only Natural light is used to capture subject on some occasions and only artificial light on some other occasions. But there are chances where both natural and artificial lights are used in combination to get stunning Photos.
Since this posting is on appreciation of Photos from the Light and Lighting point of view , a detailed study is made separately on Light and Lighting in the subsequent insertions .
The following photographs are to be appreciated from the Lighting point of view.
On observing the above two photos of cut vegetables, the effect of two different types of Light can be studied. Flash light has been used in the photograph on the left side whereas direct sun light from the window is used which gives sharp shadows.
Left side photograph has been taken at night using flash. The same grill gate taken during early morning diffused day light.
One has to wait patiently to capture Photos portraying mood. For an example see the above photos.
Top Left Photograph: In this Photograph ,Red Green Red Blue{RGB} are portraided.
Top Right Photographed: Though this photograph looks like Black & White, it is a color Photograph and can be seen by the mild color at the middle of the image and also the Cactus seen at the background.
Middle Photograph: Vivid back ground color [ Blue]of the vent pipe.
Bottom Left side Photograph: The beauty of the blower is enhanced by the yellow and red color found in the middle of the flower.
Bottom Right side photograph: The color found in the entire frame deserves appreciation
The left side photograph shows a natural scene whereas the photograph at the Rightside shows the child in her natural mood in enjoying her own photo.
The Photographs shows the Land mark and the language in the appropriate signboards shows the state visited.
We shall see the remaining topics in the next post......
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